How To Select The Best Spa That Will Enhance Your Experience on the Gold Coast

Did you know that the spa you select will determine the kind of experience you have during your treatments? For this reason, you must choose the best spa that will give you a memorable experience on the Gold Coast. However, due to the many spa options available on the Gold Coast today, selecting the right spa can be overwhelming. You may make silly mistakes if you do not know how to go about the selection process. Therefore, whether you want a spa that offers therapeutic treatments, skin care treatment or body massage, you require tips to guide you so you do not make any mistakes. 

Tips For Selecting the Best Spa on the Gold Coast 

If you are selecting a spa for the first time, it is okay to be confused. However, ensure you do not select the wrong spa since you want a memorable experience. Instead, make sure that you use the following tips so that you can choose the right spa on the Gold Coast;

  • Identify  your goals and preferences

Before searching for the spas around you, this is the first thing you should do. Take some time and identify your goals and preferences. Find out if you want skin care treatments, stress relief treatments, pain management or all these treatments. When you identify your goals and preferences, you can select the spa that will offer the treatments and services that align with your goals and preferences.

  • Research on the available treatments and services in the spa

All spas are very unique. They usually offer different types of treatments and services. This is why you have to take some time to research the available services and treatments on other spas. For a better experience, select a spa that offers various services and treatments. This includes facials, body treatments, pedicures, massages, and specialised therapies like hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and aromatherapy. Additionally, ensure that the spa you select offers the treatments and services you need.

  • Check the amenities and facilities in the spa

The amenities and facilities that every spa offers determine the overall experience that you will have. For this reason, you have to be very careful of your choice. Ensure you select the spa with luxurious amenities and facilities that enhance your comfort and relaxation. These facilities and amenities should also be clean, adequate and conducive to rejuvenation and relaxation.

  • Read online reviews and testimonials

Online reviews and testimonials will provide you with the information you need to know the kind of experience the spas offer their customers. You will also be able to determine the quality of these spas’ services. Thus, selecting the spa that will provide you with the memorable experience you are after becomes easy.

  • Consider location and accessibility

These are essential factors to consider when selecting a spa. Always choose a spa that is easily accessible and is located near your home or place of work. This ensures that you have minimal travelling time and maximum relaxation time.

  • Compare pricing and packages

Different spas offer different pricing and packages. Ensure you compare the pricing and packages from the best spas. This way, you can select the spa that provides quality services and has a pricing that fits your budget.

  • Consider the staff in the spa

It is also important for you to pay attention to the kind of staff in the spa you choose. For a memorable experience, choose the spa with competent staff. Thus, you will surely get your treatments from qualified and experienced therapists.

If you want a memorable experience in a spa, consider the above tips when making your selection. Choose Gold Coast’s trusted day spa experience.

Picking a restaurant for a date night

If you are stressed about a first date, then picking a restaurant can help make the situation a little less stressful. The key should be enjoying meaningful connections and ensuring that your date has a good time.

Setting up a date is easy, but the tricky part is to figure out where you want to go. There are so many things that you need to consider that it can get overwhelming pretty quickly. However, it is helpful if you already have some ideas in your mind and you just know that you have to make a good choice so that you can enjoy the date that you are looking forward to.

Nundah restaurant check list

If you want to make sure that your date is a successful one, then you have to choose a place with the best food. If the food is good, then you are more inclined to talk about it and it can keep the conversation flowing. In fact, you can even start this conversation before you go on the date. You can add a few favorite foods or restaurants that you like and pass the idea around to your date and see what they have to say about it.

You can also allow them to choose a specific place from all those that you have listed for them. However, it is essential that you have visited each of these places in person  to know that there will not be any surprises which could spoil the date. It should be kept in mind, a good meal is a great way to connect with your partner and it can also allow you to have any decent conversation while enjoying good food.

You also need to check out the ambience of the restaurant. If the place is too dark it is going to feel a bit intimate and, you might be a bit uncomfortable. If it is too bright, it will feel like you are at the workplace, so it is essential that you choose something in the middle and simply avoid places which have loud music because it will be difficult to hold a conversation shouting at the top of your voice.

The next step is to consider the price range of the restaurant. It should be at a price with which you are comfortable and if you are the one picking the tab it is important that you will be able to afford it. If a restaurant is too expensive, you might be tempted to spend beyond your means and this might not set up a good first example.

Last but not the least, you also have to make sure that you make a reservation before hand. This way, you are guaranteed that you will be seated upon arrival and you can start your date night right away. Instead of having to wait for the table, it is better to be fully prepared.

If you are married and all of a sudden the kids want to ruin your date night, turn it into a fun family outing at Nundah restaurants that are family friendly.


Welcome to the blog Voyager sa vie. Why get travel insurance when you go on an adventure? That’s the question I’m answering in this article.

Today, at the dawn of my 30 years, if one asks me if it is essential a travel insurance, I answer certainly yes without hesitation! By cons, I must admit that it has not always been the case. When I left the end of the world at 20, say the budget portion of travel insurance was really minimal and of little importance to me. I always found another good reason to keep this money preciously. Luckily, when my mother learned about it a few days before I left, she subscribed for insurance. I understand her now, she needed to sleep on both ears …

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travel insurance

Why purchase travel insurance? My 6 reasons never to miss:

  • Can not predict the future

Unless you know the magic formula to predict exactly what will happen in your future trip, it is likely impossible to know if you will need travel insurance. Impossible to know if you will have a scooter accident, if you will contract the malaria virus or if you will have an ugly skin infection. And when we find ourselves in the depths of the Asian campaign, say that having insurance that will take care of everything if something like this happens to us, it’s more than reassuring.

  • Do not ruin yourself

In some countries, such as North America, for example, the cost of care in hospitals is simply exorbitant when you’re not a citizen and you do not have insurance. A simple broken ankle could cost you several thousand dollars in the United States. For my part, even when I go for a simple trip to New York or Boston of 2 or 3 days, I make sure to take out insurance before my departure. An accident is too fast and for the little that it costs me, I do not take luck.

  • To ensure that you can cancel in the event of unforeseen circumstances

Of course, when we book a trip, we do not think at any time that we will have to cancel it. We say it’s 100% sure that I’m leaving. On the other hand, once again we can not be certain of the events that will occur. For having seen my mother having to cancel a long-awaited trip for chemotherapy treatments, I am now more aware of the importance of having insurance that covers in this kind of case.

  • To be able to come home in case of death in the family

Imagine learning about the loss of a loved one when you’re on the other side of the world and not having the means to come home as soon as possible. For me, that’s hell! Most travel insurances include this clause and ensure the change of your plane ticket.

  • To insure your luggage in case of loss or theft

I do not wish you, but yes it happens to lose his luggage in the airports or to be stealing his belongings at the hostel. To make a short story, when the bag of Melissa did not arrive on the luggage turnstile in Iceland, say it was reassuring to know that insurance covered his travel effects. Having to re-equip for a weekend at the beach is not the end of the world, but for all the technical equipment we had for Iceland, in addition to the fact that everything is extremely expensive in the country, it really would not have been funny.

To read also ⇒ the detailed list of the contents of my backpack so as not to forget anything

  • To access assistance and repatriation

If you find yourself in a country where sanitary conditions and hospital services are not adequate to properly treat the health problem you have, the repatriation insurance ensures that you are brought back home as soon as possible, and this, adequately, according to your situation.

There are dozens of companies to do business with for your travel insurance. In this article, I propose the one with which I have been doing business for a few years now. In my experience, it’s with Via EscapadeI received the best service at the lowest price. The price difference between this company and the others I’d bid on for my 4-month trip to Asia was almost $ 400. They were very responsive when I needed them in Thailand and the refund was done as soon as possible. I am writing this to you in all honesty. Lastly, do not forget to check the closing of your insurance at the time of purchase, to make sure that you are well covered for everything you believe. To make a free online quote, it’s here !


It’s a phrase I hear very often and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The trip is still often associated with a privileged class of the population, which is no longer really the case in 2017. To travel often , everything is a matter of priority and discipline.

I firmly believe that the trip is accessible to most people. If we are able to be satisfied with little luxury and our comfort is not the number one priority when traveling, there are many ways to save money. Apart from the plane ticket,

there are dozens of destinations that will make you spend less on the spot than if you stay spend your holidays in your country. Since I’ve been working full time, it’s clear that it’s even easier to raise money.

On the other hand, even during my studies, making at least one trip a year was my priority. I always arrived there despite my precarious means. It is not always easy to refrain from buying a new piece of clothing or not going to the restaurant as often as you want, but with will it is possible. We only have to remember what we can afford elsewhere in the world for the same price and envy very often at the same time.

How to travel often

Here are 3 ways that I use to allow me to travel often, around 3 to 4 times a year :

3 tips for traveling often

1. Stay in hostels

Accommodation during a trip is for the most part the biggest expense. It is therefore important for me to make sure that I save money at this level. What is the point of sleeping in a 5-star hotel? After all, we are in a country to visit and spend most of our time outside the hotel. In my opinion, it is quite possible to lower the standards that we have in our country of origin. Youth hostels or guesthouses are often very well priced and you may be surprised at the comfort they offer for a price that may seem ridiculous to us Westerners.

Click here to shop your accommodation in Asia on Agoda

Click here to book your accommodation anywhere in the world on Booking

Or click on the image for a discount on your first night with Airbnb! 


2. Choose your destinations according to the cost of living on the spot

As often as possible, I decide to go to destinations where the cost of living is really affordable. Especially since my favorite continent is Asia, I allow myself to go there as often as possible. Obviously, I also choose American or European destinations sometimes, but it’s mainly because of the fact that I was able to save on other trips. There are many places on the planet where you can easily get away for $ 25 a day including accommodation, food, travel and activities.

Also read:   10 countries to visit for small budgets

3. Traveling on your own

From the moment you decide to do business with a travel agency, do you say that you pay more. Obviously, the company must survive and it does not offer its services for nothing. So, no need to do business with them. We find everything on the internet now. Whether on blogs, forums or sites like Le Routard or Lonely Planet, you will have all the information you need to organize your own journey. Just be resourceful and have a taste of adventure. Moreover, by traveling on your own, you are not confined to a specific schedule and route. You are free to do what you want to do when you want to do it. If you like a place, you have the possibility of extending your stay or on the contrary, to cut it short if the city does not please you. For my part, I always opt for the travel guides Lonely Planet or Ulysses that I bring with me on the spot. They are a small gold mine and are always very useful.